Your generosity saves lives.
The project Alimentando Sonhos (Feeding Dreams) was created to evaluate ways to reduce chronic hunger through the adoption of high-quality, minimally processed food supplements for children and elderly people in situations of high degree of food insecurity. Food will be offered daily to children and their families (average family of 5 people).

Make your donation and strengthen our purpose.
Food supplement for 1 child for 1 month. R$0.70 per day.
Food supplement for 1 family (1 child + 4 family members) for 1 month. R$3.50 per day.
Food supplement for 2 families (2 children + 8 family members) for 1 month. R$7.00 per day.
Food supplement for 3 families (3 children + 12 family members) for 1 month. R$10.50 per day.
Food supplement for 4 families (4 children + 16 family members) for 1 month. R$14.00 per day.
people in the initial phase of the project
children up to 6 years old benefiting from adequate nutritional supplementation and development monitoring
5 anos
with daily provision of food supplements for children and family members (average family unit = 5 people)
is the cost per person, per day, and R$105.00 per family (child + 4 family members) per month.
Feeding Dreams
Nourishing the future and transforming lives.
Cardiovascular Risk Management
Together we can change the scenario of cardiovascular health in Brazil.
Solutions put into practice by the Institute
We know that it is possible to guarantee healthy eating and promote improved cardiovascular health for the entire population. Our organization offers alternatives, through evidence-based solutions, that can inspire society in general. We just need your solidarity to make it happen.
We define a specific campaign or donation amount that will be allocated to the Institute.
Corporate Matching
With the planning in hand, we created an exclusive fundraising page for your company.
Does your company identify with our causes? So come and be part of our community of partners. With Corporate Matching, you engage your audience, your employees and strengthen the image of your institution! It's very simple:
We jointly publicize the campaign and help thousands of children in situations of social vulnerability.
Pillars of the Institute
If you also believe in the importance of these three pillars, support our cause.
Good nutrition is the minimum for a healthy and dignified life.
Prevent and treat high blood pressure, one of the main causes of death in the country.
Scientific research and population studies are essential to change the scenario.
We created this institute with the mission of developing research projects aimed at addressing health problems at the primary care level, with a focus on universal access to health care.

Alimentando Sonhos is a project of social inclusion and citizenship, through food with high nutritional value for children and their families in situations of moderate to severe food insecurity (hunger).

We will evaluate ways to reduce chronic hunger by adopting high-quality, low-processing dietary supplements.

We count on your support to transform lives and provide a future of hope and opportunities.
Doctor, Professor and Researcher
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